Hier wird Dir angezeigt, wie gut Du anhand unserer drei Matching-Kernsäulen zu dem Job passt.
You have a passion for building truely secure and large-scale aplications and you like to take challenges, be responsible , and unfold your creative and entrepreneurial mindset? Then you´re right!
At the moment we are primarly looking for:
- Excellent knowlegde in building, deploying and improving ML / DL models and algorithms
- Experience in medical imaging and familiar with DICOM files
- Good knowlegde of Python and common ML / DL libraries and tools
Interested? Then send us a short e-mail with max. ten sentences "why you" and your CV.
Doctors and surgeons spend more than 30 % of their time with repetitive administrational and documentational tasks - valuable time that is missing to treat patients. We are on the mission to remove complexity and automate medical procedures to let physicians focus on what really matters:
Making patients smile!
Therefore, we integrate advanced ML technologies with smart visualizations of medical data to enable an incomparable powerful semi-automation of medical procedures. Join us on our mission, develop the latest tech and bring it to the hand of physicians.
Veröffentlichungsdatum: Juni 18, 2020
Bewerbungsfrist: January 01, 1970
Theresienwiese, Bavariaring, München, Deutschland
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